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Playing Jump Rope: Not Just Jumping Over the Rope

Health 529

Skipping or jump rope is a full-body workout. Jump rope falls under aerobic exercise as it makes the heart pump and the blood flow. This exercise is not just for children but also for adults. To play jump rope, all you need is a pair of comfortable shoes and a rope.

Jumping rope should be done correctly, with a height of only about an inch from the ground (enough for the rope to pass through). When done correctly, this exercise will only have a mild impact on the joints. However, if not done as mentioned, the joints will feel more painful as they have to support the body's weight.

Calories Burned

In general, the amount of calories burned during physical activity depends on the duration, intensity, and a person's weight. So, the calorie burn may vary from one person to another. According to Healthline, if the person weighs 91 kg, to burn 362 calories, one can do fast skipping for 20 minutes or 241 calories for slower skipping.

Can it Really Help with Weight Loss?

Jump rope exercise does seem promising because, based on the previous example, just in 20 minutes, this activity can burn more than 200 calories. Quite similar to having a snack, isn't it? However, although it can burn a considerable amount of calories, jumping rope alone is not enough to support long-term weight loss.

Why? Because relying solely on jumping rope, while not controlling food consumption, won't lead to weight loss. Simply put, the principle of weight loss is "calories in must be less than calories out." Therefore, for sustainable weight loss while maintaining good health, one must:

  • Consume a balanced and nutritious diet (choose nutrient-rich foods, reduce junk food)
  • Exercise regularly and consistently
  • Get enough sleep
  • Manage stress

Combine skipping with a calorie deficit to lose weight

Starting a Jump Rope Routine

  1. Start with short durations, especially for those who are not used to exercising regularly or rarely exercise. This is because the training can be very intense. Begin with a short duration, for example, 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Use the right length of the rope, which is no more than 90 cm from your height. The goal is to reduce the risk of tripping and maximize movement.
  3. Follow the procedure correctly, ensuring that the jumps are only about 2.5 cm from the ground. Position your elbows close to your body, step on the balls of your feet, and rotate the rope using your wrists (not the entire arm).
  4. Find out what injury risks might arise. There is a lot of information on the internet that can be found.
  5. Build up gradually because this exercise requires coordination, rhythm, and endurance. Not everyone can do it for a long time initially.
  6. Gradually increase the difficulty, such as increasing speed, increasing difficulty (e.g., 2 rotations of the rope in 1 jump), and extending the duration of the exercise.

The key to getting used to jump rope exercises is gradual progress

So, jump rope falls under aerobic exercise. This is because its movements make the heart work hard to pump and circulate blood. Moreover, it burns a significant amount of calories. However, if you want to use this physical activity to lose weight, you should also pay attention to the amount of calories you consume. Don't forget to get enough sleep and manage stress.

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