3 Strategi Penanganan Obesitas Pada Anak

3 Strategies for Dealing with Obesity in Children

Health 606

1. Change Eating Habits

Implementing good eating habits from an early age will help children maintain a healthy lifestyle into adulthood. Changes should start with small things, and parents should avoid teaching children strict diets. Specific diets can be adopted as long as consulted with a nutritionist and doctor.

Examples of strategies include:

  • Provide food choices: ensure the availability of a variety of healthy foods at home. This way, children will learn to make their own healthy food choices. Also, make sure there are healthy and nutritious snacks in the house.
  • Invite children to go shopping: this activity will help parents understand their child's food preferences. Additionally, this activity can be interspersed with small educations about the nutritional content of each food or drink they see.
  • Involve children in meal preparation: there is a high likelihood that children will eat or try what they have made themselves.
  • Encourage children to eat slowly: not rushing during meals can help children detect feelings of hunger and fullness.
  • Always try to eat together as a family: make mealtime enjoyable with conversation and sharing, not scolding or arguing. Strive to eat together in the dining room, not in front of the TV.
  • Avoid using food as a form of reward: this method will make children consider certain foods better than others.
  • Monitor children's eating patterns outside the home: if there is spare time, prepare a balanced nutritious meal for children to take to school. Another way is to find out if the cafeteria food provides complete components ranging from carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, to fruits.

Nutritious eating patterns applied from an early age can be maintained into adulthood.

2. Increase Physical Activity

Children will mimic their parents, so parents must be able to be a good role model. If children see their parents being physically active and having fun, they are likely to learn to follow suit. Encourage them to do "physical activities," rather than saying the word "exercise."

Examples of strategies include:

  • Plan family activities, such as walking together, cycling, or swimming.
  • Find activities that children like or are interested in and encourage them to do them regularly.
  • In addition to finding a preferred physical activity, do not forget to vary it, especially since children get bored more quickly.

3. Limit Screen Time

Nowadays, children are accustomed to being presented with shows on television or gadgets. They also often play games. These activities are among the factors contributing to obesity. There are two main reasons. First, the time they spend staring at the screen takes away time that could be used for physical activity.

The second reason is that, while they watch, their chances of snacking increase. Especially when they are influenced by advertisements about the deliciousness of high-sugar and high-fat foods, which can create a mindset that such food is "normal." Therefore, limitations on screen time are necessary.

Examples of strategies include:

  • Only allow gadget use on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Watching TV is allowed only for one to two hours a day.
  • Encourage children to dance while watching instructional videos.

​​​​​​​Set specific time limits for when children are allowed to stare at screens.

These are the three main strategies in managing childhood obesity: changing eating habits, increasing physical activity, and limiting screen time. Parents must be able to guide and support their children through the process of positive change, all for their current and future health.

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User NewFemme

Rodlin Udin

24 Feb, 2024 21:40
