Mengapa Anak Suka Memasukkan Benda ke dalam Mulut?

Why do children like to put things in their mouths?

Parenting 668

As children are in a phase of growth and exploration, many of them go through an interesting phase commonly known as the oral phase or the phase of "putting things in the mouth." While this behavior may make parents feel worried, it is actually a normal part of children's development. Let's explore why children like to put objects in their mouths and how parents can handle this situation tactfully.

Why do kids like to put things in their mouths?

1. Sensory Exploration

In this phase, children are actively exploring the world around them through their senses, especially taste. Putting objects in their mouths gives them the opportunity to experience the texture, flavor, and consistency of various objects. This is a natural way for them to understand the world around them.

2. Oral Reflexes

The oral reflex is an innate reflex that babies are born with. The phase of putting objects in the mouth is a natural way to satisfy this oral reflex. In the beginning, it is a way for babies to explore the world around them and build the oral motor skills necessary for eating and speaking.

3. Social Learning

Children learn from their surroundings. Seeing an adult or their peers put objects in their mouths can spark their interest in imitating the behavior. This is one of the ways children learn and interact with the world around them.

4. Self-Separation Process

The phase of putting objects in the mouth can also be related to a child's desire to understand the boundaries of his or her body. As children grow, they learn about their bodies and how to interact with the world. Putting objects in their mouths can be a way for them to understand the boundaries of themselves and the objects around them.

Importance of Parental Supervision

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While the phase of putting objects in the mouth is a normal part of children's development, it is important for parents to keep the child safe. This can be done by ensuring that objects that could cause harm are out of reach, and providing safe toys or materials for children to explore.

Providing Safe Alternatives

Parents can provide children with safe alternatives to satisfy their exploratory urges. Toys specifically designed for this phase, such as bite toys, can help fulfill children's desire to put objects in their mouths without threatening their safety.

Consult a Child Health Professional

If the behavior of putting objects in the mouth persists or if parents are concerned, a consultation with a pediatrician or child health professional can provide useful insights and advice. They can help assess whether this behavior is normal or requires special attention.

The phase of putting objects in the mouth is part of children's natural exploration and learning process. With a good understanding of the reasons behind this behavior, parents can help their children explore the world safely and support their development wisely. Through careful supervision and providing safe alternatives, parents can create an environment that allows children to grow and learn joyfully.

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