Tetrachromacy: Orang dengan Penglihatan Super

Tetrachromacy: People with Super Vision

Health 692

Tetrachromacy refers to seeing colors through 4 cones, whereas typically, humans have only 3 cones (referred to as trichromacy). What are cones? Cones are components in the eye that assist in seeing light and color. Specifically, they are located in the retina (a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eyeball near the optic nerve).

Therefore, individuals with tetrachromacy can perceive colors that are not visible to the general population, often dubbed as having super vision. This ability is more common in women, while men are more prone to color blindness, especially due to genetic factors.

Super Vision

For individuals with trichromacy, they can see around 1 million colors, while those with tetrachromacy might be able to see around 100 million colors. To delve into color vision capabilities, humans generally have 3 types of cones, aiding them in perceiving the full spectrum of colors:

  • Short-wavelength cones (S): sensitive to short wavelengths, such as violet and blue
  • Medium-wavelength cones (M): sensitive to medium wavelengths, like yellow and green
  • Long-wavelength cones (L): sensitive to long wavelengths, such as red and orange

Now, for individuals with tetrachromacy, they possess a fourth cone type that allows them to see more colors beyond the usual visible spectrum. This spectrum is commonly known by the acronym ROY G. BIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). As a result, they can see colors in more detail.

A tetrachromat might be able to see more than 100 million colors

Causes of Tetrachromacy

The advantage of having 4 cone types in tetrachromacy is due to genetic mutations, primarily on the X chromosome, and this explanation is quite grounded. Women have 2 X chromosomes (one from the mother, XX, and one from the father, XY). One of the 2 X chromosomes will be expressed in some cone cells, while the other X chromosome will be expressed in other cells.

In humans, tetrachromacy is not a determinant of survival, as this ability neither enhances nor diminishes everyday life functions. However, this unique ability might be something fascinating for others. On the other hand, in other creatures, tetrachromacy is crucial for survival, for instance, in zebra finches for finding food.


The primary method to determine color vision status is through genetic testing. The goal is to discover whether there are mutations in the genes. However, there are other ways to truly find out if someone can distinguish additional colors from the fourth cone, namely through a color matching test.

  • An individual will be presented with a series of two color mixtures that will appear the same to a trichromat but different to a tetrachromat.
  • They will then be asked to rate from 1 to 10 how similar these mixtures are to each other.
  • Next, they will be given the same sets of color mixtures at different times, without being informed that the combinations are the same, to see if their responses change or remain the same.
  • A tetrachromat will evaluate these colors in the same way each time, meaning they can genuinely distinguish the presented colors. Meanwhile, a trichromat will assess the same color mixtures differently at different times.

So, tetrachromacy refers to an excess where someone can see colors in more detail beyond the general color spectrum. This condition occurs because the person has 4 types of cones, while the normal population has only 3 cone types, with these cones aiding in perceiving color.

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