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Breastfeeding Directly versus Using a Breast Pump: Which One to Choose?

Health 451

Pro Direct Breastfeeding

Direct breastfeeding, or breastfeeding directly from the mother's breast, is the act of nursing the baby directly. This activity is the most commonly practiced by many breastfeeding mothers. Breastfeeding provides many benefits for the baby and can help reduce the risk of long-term health problems for both. Here are some advantages of direct breastfeeding:

1. Provides Feedback to the Mother

Milk production will align with the frequency of breastfeeding the baby. The breasts will produce more breast milk when the baby breastfeeds more often or more. This is similar to the principle of supply and demand. Breastfeeding on demand can encourage a sustained milk supply compared to just pumping on a schedule.

2. Convenient

Direct breastfeeding requires no preparation of any equipment, so the baby can breastfeed anywhere, saving the mother from packing bottles, finding clean water, or heating formula milk. Breastfeeding directly also doesn't incur any costs, except for nursing covers, thus saving expenses.

3. Comforts the Baby

Babies who cry due to fear, anxiety, pain, or injury can be comforted by breastfeeding. One study reported that pain during vaccination can be reduced in babies breastfed up to 12 months old. So, just by breastfeeding directly and being near the baby, the little one can become calmer.

4. Enhances Bonding between Mother and Child

Skin-to-skin contact will occur between the baby and the mother during breastfeeding. This close contact enhances their bond, helping the mother and baby learn each other's cues and personalities. Immediately after birth, doctors or nurses usually place the baby on the mother's chest.

Pro Breast Milk (Pumping)

Although the mother does not receive feedback, breast milk obtained by pumping still provides complete nutrition for the baby. They can still access complete nutrients and antibodies to protect them from various diseases. Here are the benefits of pumping breast milk:

1. Flexibility

Often, many mothers pump breast milk because they have to work. Mothers can schedule when they need to pump and when their child should be given breast milk by their caregiver. Through this method, the mother will have time to work or perform other tasks while the baby still receives breast milk directly from her.

Additionally, there are other conditions where pumping will be more useful, such as for premature babies, babies who cannot breastfeed, or babies with cleft palate. On the other hand, pumping can be a way to reduce discomfort from sore nipples due to biting, poor latching, or other issues.

2. Provides Reserved Breast Milk

Stored breast milk can be used anytime, reducing issues of insufficient supply. When a mother's breast milk does not flow as much as usual, the baby can still receive food from previously pumped breast milk.

3. Provides Time for Rest

Of course, being a new mother can be tiring and time-consuming. They usually face sleepless nights for months. Postpartum recovery can also be challenging, so it's not uncommon for mothers to become overwhelmed. Pumping and storing breast milk allow mothers to get more rest.

4. Donated Breast Milk

Biological mothers are not the only ones who can provide breast milk, where some babies can receive breast milk from donors. Pumped breast milk can be donated to a breast milk bank or to mothers who cannot produce enough breast milk for their child. Compared to formula milk, donor breast milk is better for the baby.

Mother's Choice

The breastfeeding process involves two people, the mother and the baby. If you have spare time, then the mother can optimize direct breastfeeding but can also pump as a backup supply. On the other hand, pumping breast milk may provide more benefits for working mothers. Therefore, the choice ultimately depends on which option is most suitable for the mother.

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