4 Cara Membuat Kopimu Jadi Lebih Sehat!

4 Ways to Make Your Coffee Healthier!

Health 546

1. Avoid Adding Sugar

Coffee itself has various benefits, such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, avoiding the development of cancer cells, being an antidepressant, improving mood, stimulating the brain, improving exercise performance, and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Well, the best way to get all these benefits is to make coffee as simple as possible, by not adding a lot of sugar, creamer, caramel sauce, or even whipping cream (which is usually sold in coffee shops). This is because high sugar consumption can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Avoid adding sugar, creamer, caramel sauce, or whipping cream.

2. Consume between Morning to Noon

Coffee is famous for its caffeine content, which is a stimulant. Hence, it is used to provide a jolt of energy and help us stay awake, especially when feeling tired. However, consuming it in the afternoon or even at night can lead to disrupted sleep, where lack of sleep can lead to other health problems.

On the other hand, not everyone has the same sensitivity to coffee. There are those who even if they drink it in the afternoon, they can still sleep well at night. Nonetheless, limiting its consumption to 2pm is a good strategy to help avoid poor sleep quality.

3. Choose a Quality Brand and Limit Consumption

The coffee produced by a company will depend on its processing methods and growing process. If it is sprayed with synthetic pesticides and other chemicals, then the quality may not be good for human consumption, despite the controversy. Therefore, to ensure quality, try to choose the organic coffee bean option, where usually not as many pesticides are used as regular coffee beans.

Apart from the type of coffee bean, the consumption itself also needs to be limited, despite the myriad of benefits. This is because caffeine intake from coffee can have adverse side effects. The following are recommendations for limiting caffeine intake based on a review of the journal Beverages:

Adults: 400 mg/day

Women of reproductive age: less than 5-6 mg/kgBB/day

Pregnant and lactating mothers: 300 mg/day

Children aged 5-8 years with an estimated body weight of 22 kg: less than 2.5 mg/kgBB/day

How much is 400 mg/day? Approximately 3-5 cups per day, where 1 cup is equivalent to approximately 230 ml (1 cup) and 95 mg of caffeine. Despite the recommendations, not everyone may have the same level of tolerance, especially if consumed in excess. This is because caffeine can have adverse effects, such as anxiety, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, decreased insulin sensitivity, and spontaneous abortion.

For Ladies who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have medical conditions related to heart, diabetes, or blood pressure, Newfemme recommends discussing it first with your doctor or nutritionist, in order to get the best recommendation. You can also utilize the consultation service here.

Recommended daily caffeine intake is 400 mg/day or the equivalent of 4 cups

4. Give Different Sensation by adding Cinnamon or Cocoa

Drinking coffee without added sugar may seem boring. Therefore, try to customize it by giving it a unique twist, for example by adding cinnamon or cocoa in powder form. If you go to a coffee shop, make sure to give clear instructions. But if you can, making your own at home is better because you can control the additional ingredients.

So, coffee is known to be a beneficial drink, especially with the aim of boosting energy and performance. But to get the maximum benefits from coffee, try not to add sugar, creamer, caramel, or syrup to it. Consumption also needs to be limited, not that many health benefits will be obtained from consuming a lot of it.


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