Pakai Toner Wajah Termasuk Penting Gak Sih?

Is it important to use facial toner?

Beauty 877

Hello, skincare enthusiasts! Many wonder, is toner really important for a skincare routine? Some say it's crucial, while others think it can be skipped. In this article, we'll discuss toner and whether it's truly essential for our skin.

What's the Function of Toner?

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Toner is usually used after cleansing the face to:

  • Balancing Skin pH: Toner can help balance the skin's pH after cleansing, especially if you use a facial wash with a high pH.

  • Removing Residual Dirt: Even though the face has been cleansed, toner can remove residual dirt that may still cling to the skin.

  • Refreshing the Skin: Many toners contain ingredients that can provide freshness to the skin.

Using Toner According to Skin Type

  • Oily Skin: For those with oily skin, toner can help control excess oil.

  • Acne-prone Skin: Toner with suitable ingredients can help address acne.

  • Dry Skin: For those with dry skin, some toners can make the skin even drier. So, it can be skipped.

  • Sensitive Skin: Some toners contain ingredients that may cause irritation to sensitive skin. If so, it's better to skip it.

Choosing the Right Toner

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Select a toner that suits your skin's needs. If you have oily skin, look for toners containing ingredients that can control oil, such as witch hazel. If you have sensitive skin, choose a toner with gentler ingredients.

Actually, toner isn't absolutely necessary in a skincare routine. But for some skin types, toner can be a good addition to skincare. The important thing is to choose a toner that suits your skin's needs, don't just follow trends. Sometimes, reducing products can also be the right choice. Every skin is different, so get to know your skin's needs!

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