7 Bagian Tubuh yang Jarang Dibersihkan dengan Tepat

7 Body Parts Rarely Cleaned Properly

Health 487

1. Navel Hole

The navel cavity is in a warm condition and highly favored by bacteria, especially because its crevices are also suitable for hiding places. Washing the navel cavity is not just for maintaining its cleanliness, but also for health purposes. If not cleaned every day, infection can occur.

2. Back of Ear

Cleaning the inside of the ears is definitely a routine for many people, but many forget about the back part. This area is full of sebaceous glands that can produce sebum, which is an ideal place for bacterial growth. Try rubbing and sniffing it. If it smells musty, then it should be cleaned more often.

3. Nails

We are already familiar with and accustomed to the correct steps of hand washing, but the area under the nails should also be cleaned. Dirt that remains under the nails can transmit infections. Additionally, keeping them trimmed short is also the best strategy to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms.

Don't forget to clean the area under your fingernails.

4. Foot

Dr. Caudle suggests that there are some people who do not wash their feet. Furthermore, dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra mentions that one reason this occurs is perhaps because they believe that soap and water flowing from the top of the body can clean them, which is not true. It is important for us to clean our feet, including the sides, between the toes, and the soles.

5. Ass

Once again, people often rely on running soapy water to clean their bodies without scrubbing, and claim to have bathed until they feel clean. Specifically for the buttocks area, it should be cleaned thoroughly, for example using a small towel or washcloth. Make sure to wash the crevices properly when bathing.

6. Scalp

Not everyone washes their hair every day. However, have you ensured that it is thoroughly cleansed? Many people focus more on the strands of hair, but forget that the scalp should also be scrubbed. This is necessary to prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells, which can lead to dandruff, itchy, red, and flaky scalp.

7. Neck and Upper Back.

The nape or back of the neck often remains in a moist condition, especially if one has long hair or wears a hood. A humid environment becomes favored by bacteria to thrive, so this area should not be forgotten to be scrubbed every time you bathe.

In addition to the nape, the back is also often overlooked. Most people assume that the flowing soap and water can automatically clean it, but once again, it's not the case. Just like the rest, the back should also be properly scrubbed to reduce the risk of skin infections.

Don't just rely on the flow of soap and water, but also scrub the nape of the neck and the back.

So, some parts of the body that are often overlooked when bathing include the navel, behind the ears, nails, feet, buttocks, scalp, nape, and back. So, how about it? Is what the Ladies have been doing so far correct or is it still often forgotten? For those who have tips based on personal experience, please share in the comments section!

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