Boleh Gak Sih, Bayi Minum Teh? Ini Dia Faktanya!

Is it okay for babies to drink tea? Here are the facts!

Parenting 688

As parents, we often wonder whether it's okay for babies to drink tea. There are many rumors and stories out there, but in this article, we'll discuss the actual facts about babies and their relationship with tea.

Is Tea Not Recommended for Babies?

Tea contains caffeine, and this could be the main reason why some parents hesitate to give tea to their babies. Caffeine can make babies more active and sometimes disrupt their sleep patterns and stomachs.

When Can Babies Drink Tea?


Most pediatric health experts advise delaying giving tea to babies under 1 year old. Babies under this age are still vulnerable to the effects of caffeine.

Caffeine Content

Tea contains caffeine, and the amount can vary depending on the type of tea. It's important to pay attention to the caffeine content because too much caffeine can have negative impacts on babies.

Safe Drinks for Babies

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  • Reast Milk or Formula: When babies are still small, it's best to provide breast milk or formula. This already includes all the nutrients babies need.
  • Plain Water: As babies reach a certain age, giving them plain water can be a safer alternative than giving them tea.

Basically, the issue of giving tea to babies is still debated among experts. Many suggest delaying giving tea to babies until a certain age, while others emphasize the risks of caffeine to babies. It's best to consult a pediatrician before giving tea to babies. It's also important to always pay attention to the type of tea and its caffeine content. Ultimately, attention to the nutritional needs and health of babies remains a top priority.

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