Dokter Online vs Offline, Mana yang Lebih Unggul?

Online vs. Offline Doctors, Which is Superior?

Health 1200

Before the pandemic hit, before the lockdown was rampant, and before the digital age arrived, the ability to consult an online doctor may never have occurred to most people.

Previously, seeing a doctor in clinics and hospitals was the only choice for people when they were sick. Unlike now, where online doctor consultations offer patients a lot of conveniences. Will online doctor consultation replace offline doctor consultation practices in hospitals? What is better?

Online vs. offline doctors
Health is now one of the most searched topics on the internet. Coupled with video calls and chat services, many people eventually turn to online doctors to get consultations and prescriptions when needed.

Online consultations, usually via chat or video calling, benefit both parties, doctors and patients. In addition to saving costs and time, online consultations are also convenient because patients can be connected directly to doctors, even at home.

Offline consultations, however, where the patient has to come to the hospital, are different. As the pandemic is not over yet, coming to the hospital is causing fear in the community. This is because the hospital is the fastest for disease transmission, as all patients have different diseases.

In addition, offline consultations take time for some people with busy schedules. When you're busy, it can be hard to find free time and can even discourage some people from seeing a doctor. If this happens, it cannot be ruled out that the complaints they experience will eventually not be treated by doctors and will develop into more severe illnesses.

Doctor's response to online consultations
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How do doctors in clinics or hospitals react to the rise of this online consultation? They argue that the presence of an online doctor cannot provide a proper examination and diagnosis. They also raised concerns about the possibility of online practice by unqualified doctors and the misuse of drugs by patients.

It would be excellent if offline consultations with doctors were combined with online consultations. Let's think of online consultation as an initial screening. Of course, you won't lose anything if you consider online consultation to diagnose your symptoms earlier. If it can be treated, there is no need to continue talking to the doctor directly.

Conditions that can be treated through online doctor consultation
Online doctor consultation can be an option if you have the following problems:

  • If you think it's an emergency, seeing a doctor online can be a quick way to get first aid when you feel sick.
  • If you want to know the results of a physical or laboratory examination and the necessary aftercare
  • If you wish to consult a doctor but your home location is far from the hospital.

It should be emphasized that if you have serious complaints such as bone fractures, high fever, and vomiting in babies, or want to do a facial that requires special tools, then an online doctor consultation will not help. See a doctor in person immediately if you experience this condition.

After all, online doctor consultations do offer convenience compared to offline consultations. Patients and doctors will feel comfortable if performed according to the instructions. It is recommended to start online consultations with mobile phone consultations to supplement with additional audio or video information.

Do you want to contact doctors from home easily? Download the Newfemme application, which will be available soon on the App Store and Play Store. Tell them all your symptoms to doctors experienced in their field with guaranteed privacy.