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The Bad Effects of Tying Wet Hair After Shampooing

Beauty 997

Ladies, do you often tie your hair after shampooing? Did you know that even though it's practical, tying your hair in wet conditions can damage your hair health? This article will explain why it is advisable not to tie hair that is still wet.


The Bad Effects of Tying Wet Hair

  • Hair Breakage: Wet hair is more prone to breakage than dry hair. When you tie wet hair tightly, it can damage the strands. Tying your hair when wet makes it prone to breakage, which can affect the texture and appearance of your hair.
  • Stress on the Hair Roots: Tightly tying wet hair can also put excess pressure on the hair roots. This can cause damage to the hair follicles and contribute to problems such as hair loss and an inflamed scalp.
  • Makes you feel uncomfortable: Hair that is tightly tied when wet can be a source of discomfort. It can also cause hair pulling or pain in the scalp when the hair dries.
  • Interfere with the Drying Process: Tying wet hair can interfere with the hair's natural drying process. Hair trapped under ties will take longer to dry, and the damp conditions can create an environment for bacteria or fungi to grow.
  • Damage to Hair Structure: Tying wet hair can cause damage to the hair structure because hair becomes weaker when it is still wet. This can cause hair to break more easily, get tangled, and lose elasticity.
  • Risk of Dandruff: Tying wet hair can keep the scalp moisturized longer, increasing the risk of fungal or bacterial growth, including the fungus that causes dandruff. This can cause scalp problems like dandruff and inflammation.

Tips to Prevent Hair Damage

  • Dry Your Hair Naturally: Let your hair dry naturally after washing it before tying it up. This will help avoid the risk of damage associated with wet hair.
  • Use Soft Materials: If you want to tie your hair while wet, use a soft material that won't damage or pull your hair.
  • Avoid Tight Hair Ties: Avoid tying hair too tightly or using hairdos that are tied too tightly.
  • Take good care of your hair: Take good care of your hair by using conditioners and hair masks and avoiding excessive heating.
  • Consult with the Experts: If you have serious hair or scalp problems, consult a scalp care professional or dermatologist for appropriate advice and treatment.


Tying wet hair after washing may seem practical, but it can have a bad effect on the health of our hair. Wet hair is more prone to breakage, and tying it too tightly can damage the hair structure, causing breakages and even scalp problems. It's best to let your hair dry naturally before tying it up or use bobby pins to avoid the risk of hair damage.



User NewFemme


23 Aug, 2023 21:20
