Tips Pemulihan Pasca Operasi Caesar

Post-Cesarean Section Recovery Tips

Health 396

The birth of our baby into the world is something that is really exciting. Even so, the birth process can impact the body, especially if it is done by cesarean section.

The cesarean section is a birthing procedure by making an incision in the abdomen as a route for the baby to come out. A cesarean section is performed if vaginal delivery is impossible or other pregnancy complications occur. Someone who gives birth by cesarean section needs a longer recovery time than someone who gives birth vaginal delivery.

Here are some tips to speed up the recovery process for mothers who have just had a cesarean section:

1. Get plenty of rest

Like other major surgeries, the body also needs time to recover from a cesarean section. Usually, mothers who have just had a cesarean section stay in the hospital for up to 2-4 days, and it takes 6-8 weeks for their bodies to recover fully.

Getting enough rest is important to ensure the recovery process goes smoothly. However, mothers who have just given birth may find it difficult to get enough rest, considering that they must continue caring for a baby requiring a lot of attention. For that, you can take advantage of the time when the baby sleeps to rest or don't hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, or other people.

Communicate your condition with your partner


2. Pay attention to your body

  • Be careful about your daily activities during the recovery period. Follow these tips:
  • As much as possible, avoid going up and down stairs. Keep everything you need, such as food and baby care, close to you and within your reach.
  • Do not lift objects heavier than your baby. Ask for help from your spouse, family, or other people.
  • Hold your stomach to protect the incision when you feel like coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity, but take the time to take a gentle walk whenever possible because it can help the recovery process and prevent constipation and blood clots.

3. Pay attention to your nutritional intake

Getting good nutritional intake after giving birth is as important as while pregnant. Mother's milk is the baby's main source of nutrition. Therefore, consuming a varied diet can maintain the baby's health and help him become stronger.

A study in 2017 showed that consuming fruit and vegetables during breastfeeding can add flavor to breast milk, thereby increasing the baby's enjoyment and rate of consumption. Breastfeeding mothers also need to drink lots of fluids to increase breast milk supply and avoid constipation.


4. Manage postpartum changes

A woman's body will experience physical changes even after delivery. Some of the changes that can occur include the following:

  • Afterpains are a type of cramping that occurs when the uterus tries to return to its pre-pregnancy size.
  • Breast swelling
  • Lochia is a type of vaginal discharge where most of the liquid is formed from dried blood.
  • Diastasis recti, or the separation of the abdominal muscles due to stretching during pregnancy.
  • Hair loss.
  • Changes in the skin, such as loose skin or the appearance of acne.
  • Headache.

Pain at the incision site, bleeding from the vagina, or vaginal discharge are some things that are normal for up to 6 weeks after a cesarean section. However, if you show symptoms such as swelling and pus around the incision, high fever, unpleasant-smelling discharge from the vagina, difficulty breathing, or pain in the chest and breasts, immediately contact a doctor because this could be a sign of infection.


The body needs time to recover and normalize after a cesarean section. Read other interesting articles only at Newfemme!