Inilah 6 Mitos Menopause Beserta Fakta Di Baliknya

Here Are 6 Myths About Menopause and The Facts Behind It

Health 694

As women approach the menopause period, some women admit that they have a hard time coping with various changes in their bodies. Most of the time, during menopause, women encounter various concerns such as slowing down metabolism, sex life will not be the same as before, and weight gain. Usually, these thoughts start to occur in women by age 50.

This concern has led to a variety of untrue news. Such as decreased libido during menopause, excessive weight gain, to the symptoms caused at this time. However, some of these rumors have not been medically proven. The following has summarized several myths about menopause and the facts behind it.

  1. Menopause happens within a day

Menopause doesn't happen right away. Menstruation doesn't just suddenly stop. There is a transition phase after menopause that lasts between 3-5 years. In this phase, hormonal fluctuations occur, with women experiencing menstrual disorders such as the distance between menstrual cycles that can be too far or too close and/or blood that comes out too close or too little.

A person is said to experience menopause when they do not menstruate for a whole year. If she doesn't menstruate for nine months and her period is in the tenth month, she would still be in perimenopause (the period before menopause), which can take years.

  1. Menopause only occurs in women in their 50s

The average age of women going through menopause is 51 years. However, this can happen to women below or above because certain factors cause it such as genetics, lifestyle, smoking, and so on.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle from an early age is a long-term investment for old age. The state of the body during productive age will affect the transition phase and menopause when it reaches old age.

  1. Sex During Perimenopause Doesn't Cause Pregnancy

Some women think sex without contraception is safe in their 50s. Often women mistakenly believe that they are already in menopause and cannot conceive again, even though they are still in perimenopause. Although a woman's fertility declines with age, it is still possible to get pregnant just before menopause.

  1. Women in menopause have no libido

As estrogen levels drop during menopause, a woman will experience vaginal dryness. This makes him uncomfortable during sex, not because of a decreased libido.

Several factors outside of menopause, such as problems with intimacy with a partner, or problems with arousal and orgasm existed before menopause. It can be the cause of a decrease in sex drive in women.

Decreased libido occurs during menopause as a result of a decrease in women's interest in sex after entering this stage. However, this can be handled in various ways. For example, building effective communication with a partner and exploring more diverse foreplay.

  1. Menopausal women will gain weight easily

The average weight gain in postmenopausal women ranges only from 1.8 to 3.1 kg. But it is not menopause that is responsible for weight gain.

As people age, a person's metabolism slows down. When there are hormonal changes, especially estrogen levels, in a woman's body, it also affects metabolism. Even if we eat the same portions when we are in our 20s and 30s, we can still gain weight because our metabolism has changed as we age.

But keep in mind that this is not the only factor. Several changes in the body as you enter menopause can cause an increased appetite. Of course, it is still possible to check.

To avoid weight gain during menopause, a woman should control her food portions, limit carbohydrates, and increase the amount and intensity of exercise.

  1. Every postmenopausal woman experiences a burning sensation throughout the body

A sudden and intense feeling of heat all over the face, neck, and chest, which usually occurs in postmenopausal women, is called hot flashes. In general, the skin turns red and there are symptoms of excessive sweating or cold sweats.

Hot flashes can indeed occur in postmenopausal women. Not all women entering menopause experience these symptoms. The various symptoms that can occur include sleep disturbances, irritability, and mood swings.

All women should remember that menopause is a natural process that cannot be avoided. If you still want to know the myths and facts about menopause, don't hesitate to contact experienced doctors in Newfemme. Share your menopause story soon via the downloadable Newfemme app. All women should remember that menopause is a natural process that cannot be avoided.


User NewFemme

ahmad Zaki yamani han

15 Dec, 2022 03:44
