Tips Mengatasi Anak yang Picky Eater

Tips for Dealing with Picky Eater Children

Parenting 683

Many parents face challenges with picky eaters, who are often referred to as picky eaters. Children who are picky eaters have strong preferences for certain foods and resist new foods. However, parents can help them explore new tastes and foods with the right approach. The following explains picky eaters, their causes, and how to deal with them.


What are Picky Eaters?

Picky eaters refer to children who have very limited food preferences or choose to refuse certain types of food. They may only want to eat some of their favorite, familiar foods and reject new foods or foods that taste, texture, or look different. Picky eating is not a medical diagnosis but a common condition in children.


Factors Causing Picky Eater

Several factors can play a role in children's development of picky eaters. Some of these factors include:

  • Sensory Responses: Children may have different sensory responses to food's taste, texture, or appearance. They may be more sensitive to certain sensations in food, such as a strong taste or an unusual texture.
  • Personal Preferences: Children may have strong personal preferences for certain types of food based on previous experiences or family preferences. They tend to choose foods that are familiar and comfortable to them.
  • Control and Development: Children experiencing a more autonomous development phase may want to control their eating environment. They want to feel like they have a choice and want to control what goes into their bodies.
  • Environment: When eating is rushed, or there are conflicts within the family, the environment can also influence a child's eating behavior. This can make children reject new foods or face anxiety when eating.


Tips for Dealing with Picky Eater Children

Make Food Look Appealing

Make the dining experience fun by creating presentations that appeal to children. Use colorful plates, shape food into cute characters, or throw a food party with interesting variations of dishes. Turning the eating experience into fun can help children feel interested in trying new foods.


Involve Children in Choosing Food

Involve children in the food selection process. Take them to the grocery store or market and let them choose some exciting new ingredients. This gives them a sense of belonging and can increase their desire to try the food.


Introduce New Foods Gradually

Introduce new foods slowly and gradually. Start by introducing one new food every few days. This gives children a chance to get used to new tastes and textures. If your child refuses a new food, don't lose hope. Continue to offer the food consistently without being pushy.


Involve Children in Food Preparation

Getting children involved in cooking and food preparation can increase their interest in food. Let them help wash and cut vegetables or choose spices for cooking. By involving children in food preparation, they will feel proud and more interested in trying the food they have helped prepare.


Be patient and consistent

It is important to be patient and consistent with a child who is a picky eater. Don't force children to eat foods they dislike; offer them regularly. Give praise and rewards when children try new foods, even if they only taste them. When children feel supported and not pressured, they are more likely to open up to new foods.


Coping with picky eaters requires patience and the right approach. It is important to remember that each child has their own food preferences, and ensuring that the child is getting adequate nutrition from various food sources is most important.