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Tips for Dealing with Jealousy Between Siblings

Parenting 718

When a child has a new sibling, it is common for older siblings to feel jealousy towards their younger sibling. Jealousy is a natural feeling that can arise due to changes in family dynamics and attention being diverted to younger siblings. For parents, it is important to help overcome this jealousy with understanding and love. Here are some tips that can help you deal with an older sister who is jealous of her younger sibling: When a child has a new sibling, it is not uncommon for older siblings to feel jealous of their younger sibling. Jealousy is a natural feeling that can arise due to changes in family dynamics and attention being diverted to younger siblings. For parents, it is important to help overcome this jealousy with understanding and love. Here are some tips that can help you deal with an older sister who is jealous of her younger sibling:


Tips to deal with an older sister who is jealous of her younger sibling

1. Give Special Attention and Time

One of the main reasons for jealousy is feeling neglected or lack of parental attention. Try to give special time to a sibling to interact and quality together. Schedule activities that involve the siblings individually, such as playing games, reading books, or going to the park together. By giving this special attention, an older sibling will feel valued and more accepting of their sibling's presence.


2. Communicating with Empathy

First, it is important to communicate empathetically with the older sister. Try to listen to their feelings and concerns without judging or justifying them. By understanding their perspective, you, as a parent, can find an adequate solution and relieve their jealousy.


3. Build Strong Connections

Try to forge a strong relationship with the older sister by spending time together, listening to stories, and showing interest in their activities. By building positive emotional attachment, parents can help reduce jealousy by ensuring they feel important and cared for.


4. Avoid Comparing

Avoid the tendency to compare younger siblings to older siblings when talking or giving praise. Comparisons can trigger even greater feelings of jealousy and can damage the relationship between the two. Please focus on the uniqueness and success of each individual without having to compare them to one another.


5. Talk about jealousy openly

If jealousy remains a lingering issue, it's important to discuss it openly. Invite them to talk about their feelings and find a solution together. Dealing with jealousy by understanding each other and looking for ways to strengthen the relationship can help overcome the problem.


6. Explain Wisely about Family Changes

Open and honest communication is key in dealing with jealousy. Invite an older sibling to sit down and talk gently about the changes that have taken place in the family and the importance of their role and love as siblings. Make it clear that your love as a parent for them will not diminish, although you must pay attention too, to the new sibling. Provide an understanding of how normal jealousy feels, but also teach positive ways to deal with it.


7. Build a Positive Relationship between Siblings

Encouraging a positive relationship between older sisters and younger siblings is very important. Allow them to interact, play together, and get to know each other. Improve communication and cooperation between them. Building a strong and mutually supportive relationship can lessen jealousy over time.


Dealing with jealousy between siblings is not an easy thing. However, by establishing good communication and finding solutions, parents can help keep the relationship between siblings positive and harmonious. Remember that everyone is unique and has their own accomplishments, and it's important to celebrate their successes without comparing them.