Alasan Mengapa Perut Mules Setelah Sarapan

Reasons Why Stomach Hurts After Breakfast

Lifestyle 919

Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals in maintaining health and energy throughout the day. However, some people experience symptoms of stomach pain after breakfast, which can interfere with comfort and productivity. Here are some common reasons why a person may have stomach pain after breakfast, and provide some strategies that might help reduce these symptoms.


Reasons Why Stomach Hurts After Breakfast

Consumption of Fatty Foods

One of the common causes of stomach pain after breakfast is consuming fatty foods. Foods such as fried foods, fatty meats, or other high-fat foods can slow digestion and cause feelings of over-fullness. This can produce a bloated sensation and abdominal discomfort.


As a solution, choose a light and nutritionally balanced breakfast, prioritizing foods low in fat and high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, or light protein sources, such as boiled eggs or low-fat yogurt.



Some people have sensitivities to certain foods or experience digestive disorders such as lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Consuming foods that are not suitable or trigger a sensitivity reaction can cause stomach pain after breakfast.


The solution is to identify foods that cause heartburn symptoms and avoid consuming them. Consult a doctor or nutritionist for a proper diagnosis and solution if needed.


Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can affect digestive function and cause stomach pain. Breakfast followed by stressful or anxious situations can exacerbate these symptoms.


Try practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga before breakfast to handle this. Reducing overall stress can also help reduce the symptoms of stomach pain after breakfast.


Eating too fast

Eating too fast or not properly chewing food can interfere with the digestive process and cause stomach pain. Eating in a hurry can also cause air to get trapped in the stomach and cause bloating.


Eat slowly and enjoy every bite. Chew food well before swallowing it. Avoid eating while in a hurry or under stress.


Digestive System Disorders

Some digestive system disorders, such as gastritis, peptic ulcers, or bile duct disorders, can cause stomach pain after breakfast. These symptoms need to be treated by a medical professional.


If the symptoms of heartburn after breakfast are consistent or severe, it is important to seek medical evaluation for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Various factors can cause the condition of stomach pain after breakfast. Therefore, paying attention to a healthy diet and lifestyle is important to reduce these symptoms. If the stomach pain after breakfast persists or interferes with daily activities, consult a medical professional for proper evaluation and treatment.