Kelola Emosi Negatif dengan Teknik Grounding

Manage Negative Emotions with Grounding Techniques

Lifestyle 1009

Negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or sadness, can significantly interfere with our lives. When we feel negative emotions, we often get carried away by these thoughts and feelings, making it difficult to return to calm. Grounding techniques can help us control negative emotions and return to calm and stable condition. Here is a complete explanation of grounding techniques and how to do them to manage negative emotions.

What is Grounding Technique?

The grounding technique is a technique that aims to help us relate to the circumstances around us and our own bodies. This technique involves using our five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling. It can help distract us from negative emotions and return to the present moment.


How To Do Grounding Techniques

Focus on breathing

The first step in the grounding technique is to focus on breathing. Take a few deep breaths and feel the air moving in and out of your body. This helps to calm the mind and helps focus on the present moment.


Feel your body

Pay attention to your body and feel the sensations that are in it. Touch your skin, feel the texture of the clothes you wear, and feel the softness or hardness of the surface you walk on. This helps connect you to your body and makes you more aware of your surroundings.


Pay attention to the surroundings

Turn your attention to your surroundings and the details around you. See the colors and shapes of the objects around you, hear the sounds around you, and smell the aromas around you. This helps distract you from negative thoughts and helps you focus on the present moment.


Use the five senses

Use your five senses to help distract you from negative emotions. Try holding something oddly shaped, like a button or a small rock, and feel for the texture. Or listen to music with good sound quality and feel the sound vibrations in your body.


Say positive words

Say positive words to yourself, like "I'm fine" or "I can handle this." This helps to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts and helps control negative emotions.


Grounding techniques can help us manage negative emotions by distracting us from these thoughts and feelings and helping us to return to the present moment. By following this technique regularly, we can properly control the negative emotions that arise in us so that no one feels hurt as a result of emotions that cannot be controlled.