Apakah Newborn Harus Minum Susu saat Malam Hari?

Should Newborns Drink Milk at Night?

Parenting 1127

One of the main challenges for parents of newborns is ensuring that their baby is getting enough nutrition, especially at night when they need time to sleep. Many parents wonder whether they should wake their baby from sleep to feed on a set schedule or should let the baby sleep and offer milk as needed. This article will discuss several factors that need to be considered in determining whether a newborn should be awakened from sleep at night or not.


Should newborns drink milk at night?

Here are several factors that parents need to consider when deciding whether to give newborn babies milk at night or not:


1. Baby's Growth and Health

At the beginning of life, newborns need adequate nutrition to support their rapid growth and development. Most babies will signal hunger by crying or whimpering when they need to be fed. Therefore, if the baby is not showing signs of hunger, waking him up to give him milk is usually unnecessary.


2. Time between Feedings

The most common recommendation to give milk is every 2-3 hours for 24 hours. However, this may vary depending on the individual needs of the baby and directions from the pediatrician. A more frequent schedule may be needed if your newborn has medical problems or is underweight. In this case, it is necessary to wake the baby from sleep at night to avoid missing the important feeding time.


3. Weight Gain

Weight growth is an important indicator in evaluating whether the baby is getting enough nutrition or not. Babies who gain weight well and have healthy growth usually have enough energy to sleep longer without having to be woken up for milk. However, if the baby is not gaining weight, the pediatrician may recommend waking the baby for regular feeds.


4. Health and Special Conditions

Some babies may have special conditions, such as premature babies or babies with some medical issues. In this case, the pediatrician can give specific directions about the proper feeding schedule and tell whether the baby needs to be awakened to drink milk at night. Low-weight babies or babies who have difficulty breastfeeding may also need help to ensure they are getting enough nutrition.


However, some newborns can sleep longer without needing to be fed at night if they are showing good growth, are not experiencing any medical problems, and are showing signs of good health. If in doubt, parents need to speak with a healthcare professional to get guidance that fits their baby's needs.


In addition to maintaining a balance in providing adequate nutrition, the duration of the baby's sleep time is also important. Remember always to observe signs of health and monitor your baby's growth so that you, as parents, know what actions to take.