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Types of Shoes that Cannot be Washed with Water

Fashion 2719

Shoes are one of the essential accessories for everyone. They help protect feet from all weather conditions and provide comfort while walking. However, when shoes are dirty, we wash them with water. We all know that washing shoes with water can be the best choice to maintain the cleanliness and appearance of our shoes.


However, several types of shoes cannot be washed with water, as they can damage parts of the shoes. Some of these types of shoes are as follows:


Types of shoes that should not be washed with water

Leather shoes

Leather shoes are the most common and popular type of shoes. However, leather shoes should never be washed in water, as water can scratch the surface of the leather and cause permanent damage to the shoes. To clean leather shoes, use a clean cloth and a soft brush to remove stains and dust. Then use a special cleaner for leather shoes to keep the shoes clean and stunning.


Suede shoes

Suede shoes have a soft, hairy surface. Despite its beautiful appearance, suede is very susceptible to water damage. When washing suede shoes with water, the water can spread over the surface of the shoes and damage the suede coat. Instead, use a special brush or microfiber cloth to clean these shoes. Avoid using a rough brush or cloth, which can damage the shoe's surface.


Canvas shoes

Canvas shoes are often used as casual or sports shoes. However, canvas shoes should not be washed in water as this can stretch the canvas and deform the shoes. Use a soft brush or a dry sponge to remove stains or dirt from your canvas shoes. If you want to clean the canvas thoroughly, use a special canvas shoe cleaner.


Satin shoes

Satin shoes are generally used for formal events or weddings. However, satin shoes are susceptible to water and can be damaged if they come into contact with it. Do not wash satin shoes with water, as this can damage the material and cause stains on the shoes. Use a clean cloth and soft brush to remove stains from satin shoes. If your satin shoes are dirty, take them to a shoe spa to clean them professionally.


Although washing shoes with water may be easy, it only applies to particular shoes. Therefore, choose the appropriate cleaning method to keep your shoes looking good and lasting longer. Remember to read the care labels on your shoes so you know the best way to clean them!


User NewFemme

Nia Lurastika

04 May, 2023 13:05
