Normalkah Anak Sering Menggesekkan dan Memegang Kelaminnya?

Is It Normal for Children to Rub and Hold Their Genitals A Lot?

Parenting 1078

Ladies, who may already have children or younger siblings, have you ever caught them red-handed, holding or rubbing their genitals? Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is that their genitals hurt or itch. But after being asked, that is not the reason. It even resembles avoidance or embarrassment.

Instead of being relieved, we're even more worried, right? Perhaps ladies and parents will be concerned and even panicked by this behavior. Several negative speculations must have crossed. But don't worry. It turns out that this behavior has an explanation!

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Why do children like to touch or rub their genitals?
Child psychologist from the Institute of Applied Psychology, University of Indonesia, Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo, S.Psi., M.Psi., said that when they do this, it turns out that children are in the phallic stage, which is the stage where they can already feel the pleasure that comes from their genitals. But don't worry, according to him, this behavior is not deviant.

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In addition to the phallic phase, children appear to have 3 other phases, namely the oral phase at 0-2 years, in which they can taste something in their mouths. So at this age, children often put their hands and foreign objects in their mouths. Then there is the anal phase, where the child begins to be able and capable of holding in urine or feces. Parents usually use this stage to teach children to defecate or urinate independently.

Back earlier to the phallic stage, at 3-5 years old, children can begin to feel pleasure when their genitals are touched. So maybe some of us have occasionally seen kids hold or ask why they feel strange and new sensations from their genitals.

If you see a child exhibiting this behavior, don't panic or scold them.

Pexels Kampus Production 6297599Teach children to recognize their bodies further.
This may include early childhood sexual education. Learn and introduce the functions of the body's organs, especially the genitals, where they feel new to the sensations. Tell them that it is not good to play with these organs because our hands are not as hygienic as the genitals. Also, teach these organs not to be carelessly touched by others, including their family and parents.

Introduce children to manners
Be sure to mention that holding and playing (including rubbing) is not good, let alone seen by others.

We also need to take some time to reflect. Our unconscious mistakes may cause or trigger the child to want to feel the stimulation repeatedly. For example, too long to wash or clean the genital area, joking by touching it under the pretense that they are still young, and other reasons.