Selai Kacang Rendah Kalori Bisa Bantu Program Dietmu!

Low-Calorie Peanut Butter Can Help Your Diet Program!

Health 886

Peanut butter has good nutrition for the body. In addition, peanut butter is also good for those who are on a diet. Low-calorie peanut butter provided that the peanut butter is processed with peanuts and a little salt. Various peanut butter products become unhealthy when the process is coupled with various ingredients that add calories such as sugar in large quantities. However, if prepared properly using only a little salt and peanuts, peanut butter becomes a nutrient-rich food. Peanut butter is rich in plant protein, heart-healthy fats, and folic acid.

Facts about peanut butter:

Has high nutrition

What are the nutrients contained in peanut butter? Peanut butter contains healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins which are good for body health. This is provided that the peanut butter that we consume does not contain added sugar and other ingredients.

Keeping our weight stable

Peanut butter is great for diet programs or keeping your weight stable. For those who are on a diet program, there is nothing wrong with consuming this peanut butter. Apart from making you feel full longer, peanut butter also contains protein so you can always be enthusiastic about your activities.

Good for heart health

Peanut butter has great nutrition for heart health. These nutrients are polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin E, and magnesium. The proportion of unsaturated fats in food has a very important role in heart health. Peanut butter has a ratio that is almost similar to olive oil which is known to be good for heart health. A high intake of nuts may have a link to a reduced risk of death from heart disease or other causes. Researchers recommend nuts in particular as an economical way to improve heart health.

Maintain blood sugar level

Peanut butter is relatively low in carbohydrates and contains good fats and protein as well as fiber which is good for health. Peanut butter without added sugar had no significant impact on blood glucose levels. This means it can be a good choice for those with diabetes. Consuming peanuts for breakfast can help women with type 2 diabetes to manage their blood sugar. Peanuts are a good source of unsaturated fats for health. Women who added nuts to breakfast had lower blood sugar levels than women who ate breakfast containing the same amount of carbohydrates without nuts.


Stay healthy and happy Ladies!