Dampak Negatif Jika Seseorang Tidak Melakukan Imunisasi?

The Importance of Immunization: Safeguarding Your Health

Health 476

Immunization, the administration of vaccines, plays a vital role in disease prevention. It helps bolster your body's defenses against illnesses by making you resistant to specific diseases. NewFemme, dedicated to its loyal readers, explores the benefits and significance of immunization. Drawing insights from various sources, here's why immunization matters:

Preventing Infectious Diseases

Immunization is a preventive measure against various infectious diseases, including mumps, flu, and measles. None of us want to fall ill, and immunization protects against these ailments.

Halting Disease Transmission 

By opting for immunization, you contribute to curtailing the transmission of diseases within your community. This is particularly crucial for safeguarding those who haven't yet received vaccinations, especially individuals who might be more vulnerable.

Immunization in Indonesia

In Indonesia, vaccination commences shortly after birth, typically within 24 hours. The hepatitis vaccine is administered during this time. If a baby weighs less than two kilograms, the vaccination is postponed until the baby reaches one month unless test results confirm that the mother has the HBsAg antigen. Key immunizations for babies include:

  • Polio Immunization: Generally initiated after birth to prevent polio.

  • BCG Immunization: Typically given at birth or before one month, provided that the tuberculin test is negative at three months or later.

  • DPT Immunization: Generally started at six weeks of age, with options of DTaP or DTwP. Additional DTaP shots at two, three, or four months.

  • Pneumococcal Immunization: Typically administered at two, four, and six months, with a one-month interval between doses. A booster shot is also recommended between seven to twelve months.

  • Monovalent Rotavirus Immunization: Given two doses at six weeks, with a four-week interval between the first dose.

The Consequences of Skipping Immunization

Failure to receive immunization leaves the body vulnerable to infections, as it lacks the specialized defenses built by vaccines. This makes it easier for viruses and germs to invade and cause illness.

Skipping immunization also heightens the risk of spreading diseases to those around you. Unvaccinated individuals who fall sick can become sources of infection.

Moreover, infants and young children under two years old face significant risks when not immunized. Diseases like polio and others can pose fatal threats.

Ladies, let's stay intelligent, healthy, and happy by recognizing the importance of immunization!