Apa itu Desensitisasi alergi?

What is allergy desensitization?

Health 184

Understanding Allergy Desensitization

Allergy desensitization, also known as allergy immunotherapy, is a treatment method aimed at reducing a person's allergic reactions to specific allergens. This process involves administering small, gradually increasing doses of the allergen to decrease the immune system's sensitivity to the allergy-triggering substance.

How Does Allergy Desensitization Work?

1. Identification of Allergens

The first step in allergy desensitization is identifying the allergens causing the reaction. This is usually done through skin tests or blood tests.

2. Therapy Plan

Once the allergen is identified, the doctor will design a therapy plan that involves administering small, gradually increasing doses of the allergen. This therapy can be done through injections (subcutaneous immunotherapy) or tablets placed under the tongue (sublingual immunotherapy).

3. Increasing Dosage

During the therapy process, the dose of the allergen will gradually increase. The goal is to train the immune system to become more tolerant to the allergen.

4. Duration of Therapy

Desensitization therapy usually lasts for several months to several years, depending on the severity of the allergy and the patient's response to the treatment.

Benefits of Allergy Desensitization

1. Reduction of Symptoms

One of the main benefits of allergy desensitization is the reduction of allergy symptoms. This includes sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, and skin rashes.

2. Reduced Dependence on Medication

This therapy can reduce the need for allergy medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids.

3. Prevention of Allergic Reactions 

By reducing sensitivity to allergens, allergy desensitization can help prevent more severe allergic reactions in the future.

4. Improvement in Quality of Life

Reducing allergy symptoms can improve overall quality of life and allow patients to carry out daily activities without disruption.

When is Allergy Desensitization Necessary?

Allergy desensitization may be recommended if your allergies do not respond well to conventional treatments, or if the allergies cause significant disruption in your daily life. It can also be an option if you have allergies to multiple allergens or if you want to reduce long-term dependence on medications.


Allergy desensitization is an effective method to manage allergies by reducing sensitivity to specific allergens. By following this therapy, you can reduce allergy symptoms and improve your overall quality of life. If you experience severe allergic reactions or do not respond well to other treatments, discuss with your doctor whether allergy desensitization is the right option for you.

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