Pengaruh Sarapan Pagi dengan Status Gizi Anak

The Influence of Breakfast on Children's Nutritional Status

Health 218


Is an activity of consuming food in the morning before the learning activities take place. The recommended breakfast is to apply balanced nutrition and meet 20%-25% or ±500 kcal of the total daily energy needs. Children need adequate nutrients for growth, energy, and body function maintenance. The brain relies on a supply of nutrients to function properly. Breakfast is a source of energy for the brain because with breakfast, children can improve their learning abilities. Without breakfast, the body's energy reserves are quickly depleted, which will impact children during learning time.

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The habit of children skipping breakfast is usually caused by several aspects, such as limited time due to long distance to school, waking up late, lack of appetite for breakfast, and parental habits. Busy parents who work and do not have time to prepare breakfast for their children are also one of the factors why children skip breakfast. Based on research results, children who skip breakfast tend to buy snacks 1.5 times more often than children who have the habit of having breakfast. A good breakfast should be diverse, containing staple foods, side dishes, vegetables, and fruits that contain carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and fats needed by the body. A person's breakfast can also be considered diverse if it contains staple foods, animal dishes, vegetables, and fruits more than 5 days a week.

Effects of Skipping Breakfast for Children

Breakfast should not be underestimated, as the habit of having breakfast will impact children in the future. Children who skip breakfast are a factor in overweight and obesity. Skipping breakfast can affect physical and mental development in children. The benefits of breakfast can improve cognitive abilities and academic performance in children. It can also improve overall quality and nutritional intake in children. A study shows that skipping breakfast is a contributing factor to inadequate intake. Eating patterns formed in early childhood tend to persist into adulthood.

Breakfast is considered one of the most important daily meals, which has a positive effect on health, and has been proven to be an important indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Breakfast can sustain intellectual activities, especially in the morning. In addition to children, teenagers also have the habit of skipping breakfast. This is associated with inadequate diet conditions and also nutritional status. Skipping breakfast is associated with decreased attention levels, fatigue, headaches, and drowsiness. Skipping breakfast is not an effective way to lose weight. The quality of breakfast can affect a person's weight.

Connection between Breakfast and Nutritional Status

Adequate breakfast is considered one of the determining factors for preventing obesity in children and adolescents. A study shows that the prevalence of overweight and obesity is lower in children who eat healthy, high-quality breakfasts. Breakfast is beneficial for boosting blood sugar levels, which will automatically be low after hours without food intake. A survey shows that children who have breakfast with complex carbohydrates have been proven to perform well in school.

Overweight can be caused by children skipping breakfast, increasing the frequency of snacking accompanied by high-calorie, high-sugar, and high-fat consumption, but children who skip breakfast can also experience underweight. This is because it is not balanced with increased intake. There is a study conducted in Saudi Arabia, out of 120 respondents, students who sometimes have breakfast (once a week) are 23.33 and some students (35.84%) do not have breakfast, from this data it is known that students who are overweight are 13.33%, obese students 12%, and students under normal weight 7.5%. A study conducted in Indonesia, in one of the elementary schools in Gianyar District, out of 70 students 25.7% of students experienced malnutrition and 24.3% experienced overnutrition, this is associated with unbalanced food consumption and skipping breakfast.

So, one way to achieve good health and nutritional status is to make breakfast a habit. Breakfast is a very important mealtime for school-age children, so parents must always provide and also encourage children to have breakfast every morning. Because with breakfast, there are many benefits that we can get and it can train children to be disciplined.

A healthy breakfast doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. With easy-to-make healthy breakfast ideas, we can start the day with good energy and provide the body with the necessary nutrients. Remember to choose foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein, and avoid excessive added sugars. Try these healthy food variations and adjust them to children's tastes and personal preferences to ensure a good breakfast every day.

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