Sunscreen dan Sun Serum: Manfaat dan Penggunaan yang Berbeda

Sunscreen and Sun Serum: Different Benefits and Uses

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Sunscreen and sun serum are two skincare products designed to provide protection from the sun, but they have fundamental differences in composition, benefits and usage. So that you know what the difference is between the two, let's take a look at the explanation of each product.


UV Protection

Sunscreen is a product specifically designed to protect the skin from UV (Ultraviolet) rays, both UVB (Ultraviolet B) and UVA (Ultraviolet A). UVB is the main cause of sunburn, while UVA can cause skin aging.

SPF (Sun Protection Factor)

Sunscreens have an SPF that indicates the extent to which the product protects the skin from UVB rays. SPF 30 and above is recommended for effective protection.

Physical or Chemical Protection

Sunscreens can be physical (such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) or chemical (containing chemical compounds that absorb UV rays). Physical sunscreens create a protective layer over the skin, while chemical sunscreens absorb sunlight.

Additional Uses

Sunscreen is used as the last step in a skincare routine and is applied directly over the skin. It acts as a physical or chemical barrier to protect the skin.

Sun Serum

Protection and Treatment

Sun serums are products that focus more on sun protection while providing additional treatment benefits. It may contain SPF but also ingredients such as antioxidants, peptides, or vitamins that are beneficial for the skin.

Skincare Benefits

Sun serums aim to provide additional skincare benefits such as reducing signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, or improving skin texture.

Use as Part of Treatment

Sun serum is used as part of a daily skincare routine, usually applied after facial cleansing and before moisturizer application. It provides protection and treatment benefits in one step.

Varying SPF

Some sun serums have varying SPFs, so you need to check the label to ensure the extent to which this product protects against the sun.

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When to Use Each Product?

  • Sunscreen: Use sunscreen when you're going to be in direct sunlight, such as at the beach or during long outdoor activities.
  • Sun Serum: Sun serum is suitable for daily use as a step in a skincare routine. It provides daily sun protection and additional treatment benefits.

So, you can be sure that sunscreen and sun serum have differences in composition and focus of use. Sunscreen is the primary protection from the sun, while sun serum provides additional protection and skincare benefits. Product selection depends on your needs and the extent to which you want to include treatment benefits in your sun protection routine.


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