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Egg Freezing: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy 1630

Egg freezing has been in the spotlight, particularly since artist Luna Maya shared her experience with this procedure. As women age, it becomes increasingly challenging to conceive. Reproductive health naturally declines over time. To address this, medical advancements have introduced methods for women who wish to preserve their fertility and have children later in life, just as Luna Maya did through egg freezing.

Understanding Egg Freezing

According to the Mayo Clinic, egg freezing is a process of harvesting and storing mature egg cells by freezing them. These frozen egg cells can be thawed and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, offering women a chance to have children even if their reproductive system is past its prime or they face egg-related challenges.

The egg-freezing process is similar to freezing embryos. It begins with a procedure called ovum pick-up, where mature egg cells are retrieved. The doctor makes a small incision in the abdominal area and uses an aspiration needle, guided by ultrasound (USG), to extract mature egg cells. Once obtained, these eggs undergo a special fluid injection to prevent the formation of ice crystals when frozen, which can damage the eggs. The eggs are then stored in a lab at a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius.

The Purpose of Freezing Eggs

The primary purpose of egg freezing is to provide women with the option of having children in the future. This may appeal to those who are not yet ready for parenthood, as raising children requires careful consideration. Additionally, couples who marry at a young age and wish to postpone having children can benefit from this procedure.

Egg freezing is typically recommended when a woman is in her reproductive prime, and her egg cells are of good quality. As women approach their 30s, their fertility gradually declines. By the age of 45, many women experience a transition from fertility to pre-menopause.

Eligibility for Egg Freezing

Not all women may be suitable candidates for egg freezing. Health conditions to consider include:

  • Reproductive organ issues affecting fertility
  • Pelvic cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation
  • Ovarian problems leading to ovarian damage
  • A family history of early menopause
  • Participation in an IVF (in vitro fertilization) program

Before the egg-freezing procedure, various health assessments are necessary, such as ovarian examinations to evaluate the quality and quantity of egg cells, blood tests, screening for infectious diseases, and hormone therapy.

Following egg retrieval, you may experience cramps or abdominal discomfort for a few days, but most individuals can return to their regular activities without issues.

Risks of Egg Freezing

The potential risks and side effects of egg freezing are akin to those of IVF. They include:

  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is characterized by ovarian swelling, abdominal discomfort, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Complications during egg retrieval, such as bleeding and infections.
  • Psychological challenges, as egg freezing does not guarantee future pregnancy.

So, ladies, are you considering egg freezing? It's essential to make informed decisions regarding your reproductive health.




User NewFemme

Melki Nams

02 Mar, 2023 06:44

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